Main Forum > Tim's Rants

Funny? You be the judge.


After 6-1/2 years, my modem had progressed to dropping its IP Address frequently, sometimes 5 0r 6 times an hour. Long story short, I have replaced the modem and am entering my sixth day of flawless operation. Received the Order Summary from AT&T yesterday, and noted is a $2 / mo. increase to $49; when I signed up in Sept '09, it was $30.

Like wow, man.....I wish my Social Security and Veterans' Pension had gone up 63.33%---an annual inflation rate of 7.84%---instead of less than NINE over that whole span. Less than one seventh of AT&T's increase.

Oh, well.....that's progress. Any other old dudes having as much fun?

EDIT: Almost forgot; Happy Daylight Saving time! More light for partying on Escort #2!


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