Visual Pinball > Help



Hi! They are Dinocostas ... I have to say that the Visual Pinball program in all the versions including the X version,

it runs well.

The Visual Pinball X version, I carefully followed all the indications of the other Flipper fans

 in the VPForum Society and, I must say that this version is very beautiful and has considerable changes compared

to Version 9 that already 'in itself', for myself, especially the VP921 and the VP990 went very well.

However downloading the latest version of VP10, I had a feeling that the ball was going to jump and instead

none of this, to be the first time I installed this version and played, I noticed that, until

so far, the ball does not go jerky and turns rather smooth. I tried many Pinball Tables to see if that was

determined table or, perhaps, that other table .... well all the tables respond well
However, I would like to know what frequency it is best to play Visual Pinball ----

Right now I'm using the 60 frequency and that's fine ... but I have to say that even the 75 frequency is fine ...

so they are both good and at any table in the Pinball, well between one and the other the 75, I do not see any

difference if not minimal almost imperceptible-

What I want to say is simply this ... which frequency to use? Thank you.

Thank you in advance.


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