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is there a request area?  I am looking for a version of the table Doozie for cabinet.

Hmm, I don't think even I have that, and I have like 1200 tables.

I found a desktop version, but the editor won’t let my rotate it (it’s weird, the menus tot he right don’t exist in the editor for this particular table.  I have looked to see if it is just a window that needs dragged open, but it doesn’t seem to be.  Anyone ever encountered this in the editor? 

There is a vp8 that uses reels which can't rotate. Depending on what you have, you can try opening a vp8 in vp9 and using the backdrop settings to rotate it.

I checked it again today. I think the issue is the creator locked the file, so I can’t edit anything without a password.  ☹️


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