Visual Pinball > Help

virtual pinball missing


greetings whomever has time to read this :)

i have a query that doesnt seem possible ...whenever i try to start addams family from pinup popper it tells me PINBALL MISSING and the table goes on the same search a physical table would in looking for a ball lost in amongst the real life innards ...however this is a virtual table and its is freaking driving me nuts how this is even a problem ....sometimes it still happens when loading the table and playing directly from visual pinball but mostly its okay ...its a minor inconvenience really but still driving me to the despair because i just cannot fathom how its even a problem ....ANY suggestions guidance or assistance welcomed and appreciated ...ill even be grateful for conspiracy theories and hypotheses

thanks and may all your scores be high :)

I can't tell you about Pin Popper but these games use the same logic as the real thing. So for example, if a ball hits switch 37 in the real game, there is a switch 37 in the vp code of the table too.

I can tell you as a former operator, these games go through their cycle at power up. They will say IRL "Pinball Missing" while it's checking for the balls. That check usually takes about 10 seconds or so. Then it should go into it's normal attract mode.

thanks so much for reply ....
little follow up ....what is "normal attract mode" ?
is there anyway to stop / rectify this / find the ball ? ...the problem remains that during multiball only 2 balls are dispensed even though you lock 3 and addams family is a 3 ball multiball ...except for my virtual one which is only 2

thanks again and hope todays a great one for you :)

I'm not sure I can help. But what I mean about the attract mode is the period of time after the game is turned on, and once you can put a quarter in and start the game. Once you put a quarter in- and it registers that you put a quarter in, the game is now hot and ready to start a game.


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