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Defend your 4th amendment rights

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Let's stop the NSA spying! Sign the petition and let's get rid of these terrible scumbags!

This is a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST THE NSA led by Rand Paul. Son of the amazing Ron Paul.

I signed it. Will you? DO YOU CARE about your right to freedom and privacy? If so, join me!


Another good read:

I signed it


--- Quote from: ndiniz on February 11, 2014, 03:53:35 PM ---I signed it

--- End quote ---


Thumbs up bud! Let's hope there are others who wish to keep their freedoms and not have the NSA and other evil groups watching them 24/7! There is NO REASON for this and for the NSA to keep millions of logs and information about each and all of us. It's time it stops.

From what has been found, apparently Mr. Rand Paul has HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of signatures so he will be suing the NSA through the PRESIDENT very soon.

Power to the people. We must FIGHT to keep our pride, dignity and freedom at ALL COSTS.

+1 karma to you sir!

Another good read:

Me too, I read about it earlier today.


--- Quote from: Itchigo on February 11, 2014, 09:20:55 PM ---Me too, I read about it earlier today.

--- End quote ---



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