Arcade Pinball > Classifieds

WANTED: "fixer upper" bingo machine by Bally


Any1 out there want to get rid of an older Bally bingo? Doesn't matter which one; one card, three card or even the most simple six card machine. If you're going to scrap it, I would like to restore it by hand.

Interested in: Bright Lights (VERY BASIC 6 card machine), Yacht Club, Broadway51, ANY of the Lotta Fun machines or the like. Twin Joker, Joker Wild are others.

Please, if you're going to throw it out I want it. I have friends that can restore these for me!

Anyone in the northern IL. area of the state please post to me or send me a PM. I have a pickup truck and can take whatever you give to me.

Thank you!

PS: Cabinet, backglass, backglass cabinet - whatever. Let me know.


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