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Changes coming soon!

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I've been holding back a bit (in case the worst happens), but as many of you know we're converting the place to SimpleMachineForums, from PHP. Once this is finished, I can do many more things. Some things I have in mind are:

Thanks/Like buttons: I've never been a fan of "Likes" but the thanks I think would be good.

Featured Member of the Month: I start a thread and the "Featured Member" tells us more about themselves.

I also would like to know what I can do for different levels i.e., Member, VIP, Etc.

I don't plan to "Approve" tables. Since there has been a ban on links at that other site, my guess is the table approval is looking for links in the script to other sites/chat. Supposedly this was done before (links in scripts), but I have never seen it. You can link to whoever you want here, (just keep it clean and don't get me arrested).:D

I may put up a donate button at some point (if you're rich and have money to burn), but I have no costs at the current time. That's not to say we may not costs have down the road. Right now we have none. It's only a way to say thank you. If we were to grow is all I'm thinking of. Given the current staus, it's a non issue right now.

The layout will change here: I originally wanted to do a 3 column layout for the site. PHP would not allow this without making our own custom style. It will still be VERY easy to get around here, but it will be along the lines of my initial design. Basiclly your menu will be on the left, your content will be in the middle, and member info will be on the right. Very straightforward.

Eventually we will have a "Real" downloads section, instead of a release thread.

I do have more emotes coming, but I'm waiting for the conversion. I need to learn FTP to be able to change them.

Left justified script is planned Rascal!

Imagehost/ Pictures opening in browser instead of download.

Once we get it set up so a caveman like me can use it, it'll be great!!


We will be converting this forum to SimpleMachines. I'm guessing in the next week or so. All you need to remember is:

You may have to update your Birthday and Avatar. We are NOT moving! The conversion process may affect these two things only. Nothing else will be lost.

This is being done for security, and adjustability. SMF is more secure than PHP, and easier to work with as far as tweaking the site.

Thanks all!

update my birthday to a more recent one for me please!
Ah heck more changes just what this ol' dog needs is changes
I'll let it slide this once but next time... ;P

We should've started with SMF at the begining but I didn't know. I didn't want to have to remake the entire site and ask everyone to rejoin again either. Here's a taste.....we'll see about colors.

well the white on black is much easier on my eyes than this site
 which if light grey on black and tough to read for me
so when will the change take place?


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