The Pinball People Gallery is moving right here to Rogue!! It's finally set up, so if you want to be immortalized in the annals of VP history, add your picture!!
All members have rights to upload/edit their own picture under their username. Select the letter from the dropdown menu, and upload. The picture should be under 1280x1024, and preferably .jpg.
A big thank you to Yogi for hosting this for so many years, and allowing me to pick it up.
If anyone's pic is there, and they'd like it removed, or permission wasn't given when it was taken, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to take it down.
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![]() Welcome to Rogue Pinball!! We hope you enjoy your time here. We hope to have things you haven't seen at the other VP sites. It's my belief that no one site should have everything (including this one). We're not a part of the VP "New World Order" (just yet), so think of us as the "bar across town". We're not going to try to sell you stuff here, this place is about hanging out with friends, and enjoying our favorite hobby PINBALL!! We're not going to stop you from linking here to any other site (as long as it's legal), or even your own pinball site. We don't need censorship as it doesn't promote a good atmosphere in my opinion. No topics are off limits. We ask only that you be respectful of your fellow members when you post. We are not focused of Cabinet or Desktop here. Both are just fine as many still play with a laptop (myself included). No reason to exclude anyone because of preferences here. You can also learn to make your own tables here as I have tutorials and demo tables going up. If you can't find what you need we also link to Pinball Nirvana, or just ask. Rukia's corner is a thought for the day or just to make you laugh area. It may or may not be about pinball, but it will be fun. It's done by my wife. Check it out, it's thought provoking and fun! We are always open to improvements/suggestions. Itchigo (Tim) The Rogue Pinball Team: Itchigo: Owner/Administrator, "The Brawn".Pintrepid: Administrator, "The Brains" Rukia: Super Moderator, "The Wise-Woman". Nate: Super Moderator, "The Bot". Thanks to Grizz for the header image. The Roguepinball Video (Thanks to Slashbot) Name your .zip file like this: Title/Manufacturer/Year. Go to Downloads and select your Category Name your title like this: Trigon Shiva 2005 FS Directb2s (or desktop) Add your image to downloads, and upload. Copy and paste your description from your download to your release thread. To edit/update: Go to your download and hit edit. It should overwrite the old file. All members have upload privileges here. There's no need to ask for permission. Starting 12/31/17 we have a new download policy. You have to participate, and be a part of the site. Replying to a topic/commenting gives you 10 credits. Uploading a file gives you 25 credits.
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If you'd like to say "Thanks", here's how. ![]()
Trade Winds Williams 1962 FS Direct B2s by BogeyFree
[May 17, 2024, 12:06:20 PM] Circus Gottlieb 1980 by hmueck [November 16, 2023, 10:22:39 AM] Pinball Magic Capcom 1995 by hmueck [November 16, 2023, 10:13:17 AM] Whirl-Wind - Gottlieb 1950 by rockhouse [February 14, 2023, 05:31:53 AM] |